“I'm a survivor of bowel cancer, after being diagnosed having cancer during my five yearly routine colonoscopy in June 2022. I had bowel surgery in the following month followed by 12 sessions of chemotherapy over six months, finishing in February 2023. I was then given the all clear. Six months later in July 2023, it was found that I had a secondary cancer in my left lung. Surgery followed to remove a 15% segment of my lung and then to follow up with additional surgery four days later, by a procedure called Talc Pleurodesis, to seal an air leak which was caused when the segment was removed.
To keep cancer at bay, I'm now having PET Scans and bloods taken every three months for the foreseeable future.
It's amazing that I rode my bike in the Brissie to the Bay ride in June 2022 and had no inkling or tell-tail signs that I had bowel cancer inside me. By the way, it was a great ride.
I wish to support Bowel Cancer Australia by riding over 5000km this year, firstly because I am a survivor and secondly because I have been inspired by Rachel, a friend who recently passed away from cancer. From her journey she was willing to share with me sound practical advice to help me navigate through cancer and chemotherapy. I wish to share the same advice to those who are going through the same journey I did. At the end of the day, Rachel is my ‘Star’.” ~ Grant.

If you were inspired by Grant's amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform.