"After my experience with bowel cancer at 23 I couldn't just sit back and do nothing about it. I'm happy to say I helped raise $16,000 plus for Bowel Cancer Australia. I just hope that I've raised even more awareness.

Thank you to the Darwin Dragons Rugby Union Club, the sponsors, the community, and everyone close to me! I was amazed to see everyone get behind this day.
Thanks also to the University Pirates Rugby Union Football Club Inc, South Darwin Rugby Union Club and NT Rugby Union for getting involved and spreading the word a little bit further.

Planning this round helped keep me busy towards the end of my treatment, hopefully this money can help someone else that is TOO YOUNG through their treatment or prevent it from even happening.” ~ Todd.

Todd M

If you were inspired by Todd's amazing fundraising efforts and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform.