"Time is Precious hosted an incredible luncheon in Sydney on 16 March 2024. The luncheon highlighted the impacts bowel cancer can have on our young community, especially those aged 25-44.
With a performance by Brent Street student Faith Hedly, a live auction, and an inspiring panel of bowel cancer warriors, the not-for-profit raised $19,000 for Bowel Cancer Australia.
Co-founders Sara and Amy used their organisation to promote awareness to both the younger generation and the older generation alike that bowel cancer is becoming increasingly prevalent in people under 50. It has been 5 years since the devastating passing of Sara’s stepdad, after he was diagnosed at age 45.
To date, the girls cumulative fundraising total from their events sits at $124,176.51. They are really excited for their gala ball in April 2025!” ~ Amy and Sarah.
Time Is Precious Ladies Luncheon

If you were inspired by Amy's and Sarah's fundraising activities and would like to support Bowel Cancer Australia through a community fundraiser get in touch with us through our webform.