Following his diagnosis in 2017, Brett took up running to help clear his mind and keep strong and fit.

Brett was due to participate in Run Melbourne this year, but due to COVID-19 the event was cancelled. So, he decided to complete his own virtual run, raising over $3,000 for Bowel Cancer Australia.

“I was fit, healthy and had absolutely no symptoms or any health-related concerns. I had my whole life ahead of me with my beautiful wife Frances and two amazing boys Kade and Brady,” said Brett.

“I got tired of seeing close friends taken by the ‘C’ so I decided to go for a check up to rule out everything.” 

“Well that backfired… bowel cancer bit me in the backside.”

“I lead a healthy lifestyle, ate the right foods, did the right things, never smoked. However, at age 46 I was diagnosed with bowel and rectal cancer. Three tumors and a long and aggressive treatment phase awaited me.  With the love and support from my amazing wife and boys I was able to tolerate the extensive treatment I endured - they’ve held me up.”

“Radiation, nine months of chemo, and many operations to follow I have now beaten the illness and I have decided it is time to give back.”

“I want to help, I want to raise awareness, I want to give back.”

“Bowel cancer is often overlooked, especially by the guys. ‘She’ll be right’ is not good enough.”

“My life has changed forever. My diet has changed forever. Food is now my enemy.”

“Thank you for the opportunity to share my story, I will happily promote awareness for such a killer. This one does not discriminate. It does not care what age, sex, or lifestyle you lead. It can reach anyone. Spin the wheel and it stops on……. ME,” Brett added.

If you were inspired by Brett's story and would like to take part in a virtual sporting challenge as a fun way to raise awareness and much needed funds for Bowel Cancer Australia, check out our Virtual Fundraising webpage or get in touch with us on 02 9923 8269 or through our webform.

Read Brett’s full Bowel Cancer Story here.