“We are a stone cast upon the water to try to create many ripples.”

After tragedy struck close to home for 11year old Tina (name changed on request), she decided to raise funds for a cause that meant a lot to her and her family – Bowel Cancer Australia.

“Family means a lot to us and not having the whole family together this Christmas due to my uncle passing away from bowel cancer recently was extremely hard”, says Tina.

Wanting to make a difference by chopping off eleven inches of her hair to donate to wigs for people with cancer and alopecia, Tina also decided to hold a lemonade stand to raise awareness and funds for bowel cancer.

"It was a challenge to plan and set up the lemonade stand, and I did sometimes get disheartened when people simply walked past the stand. But so many generous people also stopped to listen and contribute to my cause which I felt great about”, Tina explained.

Tina also adds that while she found it daunting to think about cutting off her hair, she was determined to do so for a great cause. “While I was nervous, I reasoned with myself that this was for a cause close to my heart and I was able to do it.”

Updating her supporters regularly with different hairstyles for both long and short hair, Tina was able to raise an amazing $2,284.22 through her lemonade stand and “hair chop” event. Funds that she hopes will lead to research for a cure for bowel cancer.

“We are a stone cast upon the water to try to create many ripples. An individual, however young, can create change and I hope that through my hair chop and getting my community involved, conversations about bowel cancer will be had and people will be more aware of symptoms and of course that research will occur to facilitate a cure”, Tina concludes.