My husband and I had been dating for 5 months before his diagnosis.

He began experiencing abdominal pains 12 months before his diagnosis, which on 3 different occurrences had been diagnosed as gastritis and medicated as such.
For 12 whole months his cancer grew due to this misdiagnosis. He was in a lot of pain, so I told him to visit my GP, who referred him for scans, which led us to his Stage 4 bowel cancer diagnosis in March 2019.

Upon learning of what was really happening, my husband was referred to an oncologist, which is where his chemo began. Chemo continued for 11 months, with multiple blood transfusions, 22 litres of bilirubin drained from his abdominal area, a laparoscopic right hemi-colectomy surgery, and month long stays in hospital.
On the 31st January 2020, we were advised there was nothing more the doctors could do.

Adrian and I married on the 8th February 2020, a beautiful (donated) wedding ceremony where multiple businesses who donated their time, materials, venues and services. We enjoyed married life at home while I cared for him in palliative care.

Adrian succumbed to cancer at home, in my arms, the morning of 27th February 2020.

We shared 19 beautiful days as husband and wife.

I feel if the doctors were more educated on young people being susceptible to cancer, we could have shared a lot more time enjoying our married life together.