Six years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 4 rectal cancer, age 40. I'm now 46.
I had started an awesome job and within weeks I had to disclose my cancer diagnoses. I was shattered (for a day).
The next day... treatment started. Chemo and radiation. It happened so quick.

An open conversation with work, they had my back and I am so grateful for their trust and I delivered against my role with the stress of radiation and chemotherapy.
I've had over 100 rounds of chemo and weeks of radiation over the six years.

I never wanted cancer to control me.

My mindset was to keep moving, keep working, keep travelling and keep enjoying life and stay connected.

If I didn't feel like treatment, I wouldn't have treatment. I didn't want to add to any depressing thoughts of being hooked up to chemo on a day I didn't feel like it because at the end of the day..... it's me.

I pick and choose my social environments as living with cancer is really depressing and to have people fuss, ask questions sometimes gives you the s#!*s because I just wanted to get on with what I was focused on.

To be the best version of me.

As the scans improved and the cancer reduced, I reduced the dosage of chemo (against the doctors). Side effects and depressions were having massive tolls personally.

Trust your body, trust your diet, trust your exercise and trust your movement. Trust your mindset.

I love getting off the grid and travelling, it's how I manage the ups and downs of treatment.

During all of this, I started a Non Alc Beer business. This has been amazing and so fulfilling to take a risk whilst having treatment and living with a cancer diagnoses.
Mentally, it has been great for me allowing me to enjoy everything I do & love. Being social, being active & being busy & staying connected and living life.
I have also been a guest speaker at fundraising events for bowel cancer and Dry July, raising over $10,000.

If I can inspire a good life with cancer, then that is great.